The Bruce Rayy Rises

The Bruce Rayy Rises
I'm your face,nolan!!


Hey Guys,welcome to my blog.
It is not a very good one,but I'm telling you my story here...
it's not a cool one,but you can visit this if you want to know more story about me..

and ..keep this secret please.. :)

Jumat, 15 November 2013

Rekor Proyek Spektakuler di Dunia

Konon kabarnya menurut catatan Guiness Book of Record ada tiga proyek paling spektakuler di dunia:
  1. Proyek Pembangunan Pyramida Mesir yang dilakukan selama 730 tahun.
  2. Proyek Pembangunan Tembok Cina yang memakan waktu 573 tahun.
  3. Proyek Perbaikan Jalan Pantura menjelang mudik lebaran yang dilakukan sepanjang masa -- sampai kiamat... Juga belum selesai perbaikan jalan pantura.

wkwkwkwk.....kayaknya proyek perbaikan ruas jalan di pogung perlu dimasukin nih nih :-\

I'm Only Sleeping

Everybody seems to think I'm lonely...
I don't mind,
I think they're lonely...

*running everywhere at such a speed*

'till they find
there's no need...

....there's no need....

Please don't spoil my day
i'm miles away
and after all...
~i'm only sleeping~

Sabtu, 09 November 2013

true letter :( :/ :') :')

hanya sebuah huruf,
entah kenapa membuatku merasa benci,sebel,trauma,ill feel,dan kangen-kangen gimanaa~ gitu.....
hurufnya sih emang biasa biasa aja dan enggak ada istimewanya,tapi aku sukaa banget,tapi aku benci
tapi aku sakit hati..

tapi aku sukaa~

emang banyak sih huruf-huruf yang telah ditemukan..
apakah semua huruf harus dicoba tuk dirangkai bersama?

mungkin aku harus menjadi sebuah huruf yang bisa untuk dirangkai bersama,
tetapi aku hurufku,hurufku aku..
mungkin hurufku merangkai kata yang paling indah


you're a stupid letter,but i love you
And you make me so mad I ask myself
"Why I'm still here, or where could I go?"
You're the only letter I've ever known

But I hate you, I really hate you
so much I think it must be true letter..
~true letter~
~true letter~
nothing else can break my heart like a true letter....


so how are you and the double-you would perform without it?
oh,you silly letter!


Senin, 04 November 2013

Owh bring back my bonnie to me

My Bonnie lies over the ocean,
my Bonnie lies over the sea,
My Bonnie lies over the ocean,
Oh bring back my Bonnie to me....

Bring back, bring back, Oh bring back my Bonnie to me, to me:
Bring back, bring back, Oh bring back my Bonnie to me....!

Mr Muhammad Rayyan

Mr Muhammad Rayyan

with my brother :)

with my brother :)

HEY's me!!! :D

HEY's me!!! :D
i'm important :)